
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday Links and a GIVEAWAY!!!!


So, as you know I've started canning with the hopes of canning a lot of the harvest from my garden this summer. So. In hopes of spreading the gospel of home preserving, I am giving away some starter canning supplies from Ball

I will be giving away the Ball Canning Discovery Kit. This 6 piece kit gives you all the tools to start canning using your existing kitchenware. It includes everything you need to start canning for the first time and step by step instructions.
I will also be giving away a copy of The Ball Complete Guide to Home Preserving. I picked this up this weekend and it is a completely idiot-proof guide to all types of home preserving. There are step by step guides WITH PHOTOS for making each type of recipe. If you feel hesitant or nervous about canning, this book will help you do it right.

So how can these wonderful items be yours? 
  1. Leave a comment telling me if you've tried canning and what you make or would like to make with these items
  2. Like Gen Y Foodie on Facebook, or, if you already do, let me know in the comments
  3. Share on Facebook: I just entered a giveaway to win Ball home canning supplies from Gen Y Foodie.
  4. Follow me on Twitter, of, if you already do, let me know in the comments
  5. Tweet the following: I just entered the @Ballcanning #Giveaway from @genyfoodie!
Open to residents of United States and Canada only. Giveaway closes on Wednesday 6/29 at 5pm EST.

And now onto the links!

First I want to spend ten seconds bragging about my amazing little bro Jeff. He returned from Russia on Monday, where he spent the last three weeks building sports and playground facilities at a school in rural Russia with his charity Students Helping Children Across Borders.

Not only did he start his own charity, but his built this project from the ground up, spending the last nine months organizing and fund-raising. He connected with some people from Suzdal, Russia and put this whole thing together ... in Russian! In recognition of these efforts, he won the Katherine W. Davis Peace Prize (learn more here). The most impressive part of all of this? He did it all HIMSELF while playing Division I college ice hockey and keeping a full college course load.

As you can tell, I am so proud of this guy. He kept an amazing blog about his time in Suzdal and his project. My personal favorite post, however, is about his attempt to make some pizza for his host family. You can read this hilarious story here.

Dessert Round Up: 

Since I'm not a baker and don't make many desserts, I like to live vicariously through all my amazing food blogger friends. Here are some of my favorite desserts of the week. Go check out these talented bloggers and their yummy recipes.

Healthy Links:


  1. Haven't tried canning but would love to experiment with it.

  2. I am just starting to learn to can. I would love to make salsa this year!

  3. I've been wanting to try canning for awhile now, but have yet to really research it. I love the idea of giving canned goods as gifts - we have a family friend who gives us canned peaches and they are absolutely delicious. It sounds a little strange, but I really want to try canning a recipe I found for a bacon spread. Thanks for this great giveaway! Can't wait to read about your canning experiences.

  4. I already like Gen Y Foodie on FB!

  5. And I tweeted about your giveaway :) Thanks again!

  6. I've been meaning to try canning for ages! I would love to win this and try my hand at making jams!

  7. Nice giveaway, I haven't tied canning yet. Looks I can start. I Like your in Facebook and following in Twitter.

  8. I used to love canning! Haven't gotten around to it lately but always mean to start up again... One of my favorites was to pickle Blue Lake Beans by the case... they go so good with Bloody Marys (which is why I ahd to make them by the case!)

  9. We planted lots of tomatoes this year so I'm hoping to larn to can soon :)

  10. i tweeted -

  11. Just canned 6 half pints of strawberry jam:

  12. I haven't tried canning, but I'd love to learn to make jams and jellies.

  13. Okay first I love you.

    Secondly, thank you for sharing my link. Love you more.

    Thirdly, I love this contest and it's Canuck friendly. Whoo to the hoo. I have tried canning, I did tons one year then panicked and worried I did it wrong and threw everything out. Sad I know. As you know I use jars for everything under the sun. Fun with jars friday would be slamming with more jars. I also need more for my pantry. I use jars instead of containers for everything from rice to cereal to chocolate chips.


Hello! Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. It means so much to me. Please let me know if you have questions about any of my recipes or if I forgot a step. Also, is there something you would like me to cook or a recipe to makeover? Let me know!