
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Grilled Avocados with Shrimp Salad: Guest Post by Home Skillet

I am so excited to bring you my first every Guest Post today! As I've mentioned a billion times, food blogging has led to the discovery of some incredibly creative and talented people. I am continually amazed by the people I meet and the recipes I find on the web. When I win the lottery, I'm totally buying my own tv channel that I'll call the Foodblog Network. I'm going to give shows to all my amazing foodie blogger friends. One such show will feature Jen and Seth, the amazing husband and wife team behind Home Skillet.

Jen and Seth live in sunny Southern California with their hungry toddler Max. I love their blog because they find new and interesting ways to dress up simple and tasty recipes. I completely fell in love with these adorable Whale Grilled Cheese with Broccoli, Garlic and Caramelized Onion. My favorite feature of their blog is all the amazing dips they come up with. As they explain on their blog, all three members of their household enjoy dipping things, which I think is a love many of us share. Here are just a few of my favorites: Creamy Egg Marinara Breakfast Dip, Spicy Chorizo Dip, Smooth and Creamy Carrot Tahini Dip, Carbonara Dip with Brie and Pancetta, and Roasted Cauliflower Dippers with Smoked Paprika Dip.


Hi, we are Jenn and Seth from Home Skillet, and we are so super excited to be here today!  We absolutely love Dara’s blog, everything is so healthy, fresh, and delicious – and accompanied by gorgeous photos!  Like her Thai marinated skirt steak – YUM!  And her asparagus potato salad?  We didn’t even think we liked potato salad but this sounds absolutely fantastic! So who are we?

When not animating computer generated characters, or playing video games, Seth can be found obsessing over food.  When Jenn is not chasing around our toddler, or reading, she too can be found obsessing over food (and chapstick).  Over the last few years, our joint passion for food has taken on a life of its own and manifested itself as the blog, Home Skillet.  Above all, Home Skillet is a task master.  It forces us to stay on our toes, and continually try new culinary things.  We love it for that.  However, Home Skillet is also our way to give a little something back to the food community, from which, over the years, we have taken so much.  As for us, personally, we like to be goofy, annoy each other, and pretend our toddler, Max, is a little object made of pie… and loud noises.  The ocean is our battery pack, fueling us to be productive… and unproductive.  Day trips, short adventures, building and painting things, we like all of that.  We love quality entertainment: Television series like Mad Men, Always Sunny, Breaking Bad and Downton Abbey, and quirky movies like Metropolitan, The Extra Man, and Rushmore.  Documentaries of all kinds, books, video games… How can two people be summed up in a paragraph?  No idea.  Let’s just get to the recipe…

I think about avocados a lot.  It is our little guy’s favorite food.  As in, he pretty much needs an avocado every day or he becomes ever so displeased.  So I see them just about every day.  Plus we live in southern California and there is a rule written somewhere that you must consume massive amounts of avocados (or maybe I just wish there was).  Eventually, after taking out my umpteenth pit from an avocado, I heard the call.  The call emanating from deep within the cavity left from the pit.  It told me to fill it back up.  I was like, of course!  Of course I will!  So I thought about things that I could fill it up with, and settled on shrimp.  Because, why not shrimp?

Spicy Shrimp Salad in Grilled Avocados

½ pound shrimp
½ cup diced cucumber
1 thai chile, minced
2 tablespoons fresh orange juice
½ teaspoon orange zest, plus more for serving
2 tablespoons chopped tarragon, plus more for serving
3 tablespoons aioli
salt and pepper to taste
2 avocados, halved and pitted

2 egg yolks
1 cup canola oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
3 tablespoons lime juice
salt and pepper to taste

1. Make the aoili. We like to whisk mayonnaise by hand, though others find the food processor easier to use for this.  To use this method, place the egg yolks in a small bowl, place a cup of oil next to you, and keep a tablespoon handy.  Use a whisk to break up the egg yolks in the bowl. Add a tablespoon of oil.  Whisk that into the egg yolks so the yolks absorb it.  Then repeat.  And repeat.  Just be patient.  It will probably take about 10 minutes to get through all the oil.  Then stir in the garlic and lime juice.  Refrigerate.
2. Bring a pot of salted water to boil.  Add the shrimp and cook until pink and done – about 3-4 minutes.  Remove and place in a bowl of ice water to cool.  
3. Dice the shrimp once they have cooled.  Place the diced shrimp in a medium bowl.
4. Add the diced cucumber and minced thai chile.  Mix it all together.  
5. In a small bowl, mix together orange juice, ½ teaspoon orange zest, 2 tablespoons tarragon, and 3 tablespoons of the aioli.  Season with salt and pepper to taste.  
6. Stir the orange and aioli mixture into the shrimp and cucumber mixture. Refrigerate. 
7. Heat charcoal or gas grill to high heat (around 400 degrees).
8. Using a paper towel or dish rag, coat cooking grates with a thin layer of canola oil.  Place halved avocados on grill, cut side down.  Cover, and come back in about 3-5 minutes to check on them.  Once the bottoms have a nice char, remove from grill. 
9. Spoon shrimp salad into each of the halves of avocado.  Sprinkle orange zest and tarragon on top. Then eat!

How fantastic is this recipe? Grilling avocados? Stuffing avocados? This is why I need more Californians in my life. I have no clue what to do with avocado beyond making guac. 

So. Everyone immediately stop over at Jen and Seth's blog, Home Skillet to say hello. Make sure to follow their blog and hit them on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest ASAP. 

I hope you enjoyed seeing Jen and Seth here at Gen Y Foodie. I am so thrilled they agreed to be my first guest post! I feel honored to get to know them and their awesome and tasty blog. Thanks so much guys!!! 


  1. Haven't tried grilling avocados either. Does the skin keep them from becoming too mushy?

  2. Hi I am coming from Jen and Seth's blog! You have a beautiful space here! The salad looks peefect especially now that summer is all over us!

  3. Wow! I think I know what I want for dinner now!

  4. What a wonderful guest post! Thank you for sharing my friends :)


  5. I have been so into avocados lately - love the idea of grilling them!! Great guest post.

  6. This is a great guest post and I do love their blog. Hi Jenn & Seth. Avocados - that is so impressive that your son loves them. I do too although I have nver grilled them, cool idea.

  7. Yum! I just love Jenn and Seth's blog! In fact that's how I ended up over here, and I'm having lots of fun exploring :)

  8. Well hello Jenn and Seth! This recipe looks fabulous. Thank you for sharing. Great guest post! Breaking Bad is one of our faves too.

  9. This looks delicious! What a great way to serve avocado.

  10. Gorgeous looking avocados and that shrimp salad looks so good!!Came over from Jenn and Seth's and love their recipes :)Great guest post!
    First time here and loving your recipes too!!Have to try the baked Spring Veggie Risotto!!Looks delish :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! That risotto is super yummy.

  11. Being Californians, we are huge fans of grilled avocado, love the idea to stuff with shrimp salad. Great guest post!

  12. Jenn and Seth, these are gorgeous! They are so perfectly grilled and that salad looks so colorful and fresh.

  13. Thank you so much for the sweet introduction Dara! We had so much fun doing the post! And thanks for all the responses to the recipe, we really appreciate it!

  14. Wow ... what a great idea ... I've never grilled avocado before :-)

  15. Great guest post and tasty looking avocados!

  16. Love Jenn and Seth's site and glad to have found yours too.

  17. What a great guest post! I've never thought to grill avocado and I just love the presentation.

  18. Great guest post, Dara! So nice to see you and Jenn collaborate! Shrimp and avocado is just perfect together. Another recipe for my must make list. :)

  19. I love these people! They're perfect for a first guest post, I reckon.

    This grilled avocado with shrimp salad looks absolutely devine. How clever!

  20. Dara, so fun to find a guest post here, today! I love stopping by Home Skillet and this recipe looks marvelous. I could eat avocados every day, too, and filling with shrimp salad is an outstanding idea!

  21. Mmmm...I love grilled avocados and shrimp what an amazing combination! Simply delish! A very lovely blog you have! I'm off to peek around and see what else you have to offer!

  22. Hi Dara! I came here from Home Skillet. I'm really intrigued about grilling avocado. I love the seared look on the avocados. Shrimp and avocado is a fabulous match so I can already see myself enjoying this recipe!

    1. I agree. I have never thought to grill them either - it's so very SoCal!

  23. Coming over from HS, love your space! grilled avocados, yes please. I'll take 4, yummy!

    vianney -

  24. So excited to see Jenn and Seth here! I love their blog! As you two know :) Loving your grilled avocados! I've never thought to try that on the grill, it sounds sooo good with the shrimp salad!

  25. Really excited to come across your blog Dara... I'm a regular visitor over at Home Skillet and love the grilled avocado... those bar markings... aha and that lovely shrimp salad with aioli :-)


    1. Averil - Thanks for stopping by! Jen and Seth are fabulous. I am very lucky they agreed to guest post for me.


Hello! Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. It means so much to me. Please let me know if you have questions about any of my recipes or if I forgot a step. Also, is there something you would like me to cook or a recipe to makeover? Let me know!