
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bean Salad with Radish and Fennel

I had another extremely fruitful Saturday at the farmer's market. There were a ton of amazing new things to try. Between the fresh bagels, boxes of strawberries, and mini whoopie pies, my head was spinning. Luckily I was able to pick up a bunch of yummy things. After the farmer's market, I hit Sherman Market to pick up a few extras and stumbled upon a display of Baer's Best Beans. These heirloom beans are grown locally in Massachusetts and Maine by a small farmer who wanted to bring local beans back to Beantown. I grabbed a bag of Boston Roman beans and decided to use some of my farmer's market haul to make an awesome bean salad.

This is super simple, beans with some fresh fennel and radishes dressed with lemon juice and parsley. I added some grated Parmagiano Reggiano because I had it on hand, but goat cheese or feta would work beautifully. Since it's unlikely you'll find Boston Roman beans (google hadn't even heard of them) you can substitute any creamy large bean - like navy or kidney - instead.

Read more for the full recipe!

1 cup dry beans (kidney, cattle, navy) or 4 cups canned beans
4 medium radishes, washed and thinly sliced
1 small bulb of fennel, washed and thinly sliced
1/2 cup fennel fronds, washed and sliced
1/4 cup fresh curly parsley, washed and chopped
juice and zest of 1 lemon
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
1/4 grated Parmesan
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
salt and black pepper to taste

Step by Step Instructions:
1. Prepare beans according to package directions (soak, simmer, ect...) and cool
2. In a large bowl, toss radish, fennel, beans and parsley
3. Whisk together lemon juice and zest, vinegar and oil, toss with salad
4. Sprinkle with Parmesan and season with salt and pepper
5. Serve cold


  1. I had my first experience with fennel not too long ago. Stinks like hell, but tastes good! I love farmer's market produce and this salad looks yummy!

  2. This salad looks so tasty - I am a huge fan of beans :D


  3. The salad looks great! Love that you added parmesan! :)

  4. I am Dara's Mom and sampled this delightful salad yesterday. Loved its texture and the fennel adds a interesting zip.

  5. What a great summer salad to bring to a picnic or BBQ! How was your garlic scape by the way? I've been hunting for them at my farmers markets and have had no luck yet!! In NYC! How is that remotely possible?

    1. This was the first time I saw them to I grabbed a ton!

  6. This looks so good, will definately have to try this. Thanks.

  7. Bean salads are my favorite. Yours sounds balanced and delicious!

  8. Our farmer's markets should be opening this week. I've been chomping at the bit checking the Ontario website every week to see if any opened yet. Let the weekly trips commence. Yah! This looks so delish. I have to admit I really love fennel, something about it. People don't use it enough. And radishes, okay here's a secret, I pour salt on them and pop them like candy. My mom did it. It would explain why she had high bp, and why I now do. Lol. But it's so good. Okay I'm rambling. I love your salad and wanted to say congrats on top 9. It just took me awhile to get there. Lol!

    1. Agreed. I love radishes and some sea salt just makes them taste better. We slice them up really thin and put them on bagels - so yummy!

  9. Lovely salad and I love the added fennel and radishes. Congrats on the Top 9, very nice.

  10. What a great looking haul!

  11. My own garden is just starting to reap some bennies -- radishes were first, then beets,now the peppers (all kinds) are starting to ripen. Had no luck with fennel last year, so I opted for bok choy instead!


Hello! Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. It means so much to me. Please let me know if you have questions about any of my recipes or if I forgot a step. Also, is there something you would like me to cook or a recipe to makeover? Let me know!