
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chicken Caesar Pasta - Guest Post at Cravings of a Lunatic

Hey all. I am honored to be guest posting today for Kim at Cravings of a Lunatic. If you don't know Kim, I suggest getting to know her ASAP. In addition to being a very talented cook, she is an absolutely hilarious writer. Every time I read her blog I get dirty looks for laughing so hard at work...

I was agonizing about what to create for her super awesome blog and I finally settled on this quick and simple pasta. Head over to Cravings of a Lunatic for all the deets.

As I mentioned you should get to know Kim and bookmark her site immediately. She has all sorts of amazing features on her blog, including Ice Cream Sundays, which is my favorite. I am particularly in love with this Pumpkin Spice ice cream she made last fall... Like myself, Kim is obsessed with Mason jars, but unlike me, she uses them to make adorable and yummy recipes! And finally, I would be remiss not to mention that Kim has a teensy weensy turtle obsession. Check out these super yummy turtle recipes.

So head over there and tell her I sent you!!!


  1. Aw you are too sweet. I love the way you describe me. I apologize for causing havoc at your work. I should put an advisory on the blog about not reading at work or while drinking liquids! Thanks so much for guesting for me. You are a pleasure to work with. xx

  2. What a lovely recipe for this warming time of year. We're having 20+°C in Toronto...perfect for outdoor dining and cocktailing!

  3. I am so glad your guest post for the Lunatic :) got me back over to visit! Your pasta looks outstanding...and definitely a dish I want to try. Great post~

  4. That pasta looks so good! :)
    -Shelley from Piggy In Polka Dots

  5. Your guest post was seriously fantastic :D
    I am glad I can add it to my family recipes repertoire - nice one!

    Choc Chip Uru
    Latest: Layered Double Nutella Cheesecake Brownies

  6. Congrats girl, your gorgeous dish made top 9!!!

  7. Hello there, I saw this on the Top 9 congrats to you and a wonderful guest post over at Kim's. Just got back into the mode after a short hiatus so I missed this. Looks delish. Hope you are having a pleasant weekend.

  8. Looks fantastic! Heading over immediately!


Hello! Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. It means so much to me. Please let me know if you have questions about any of my recipes or if I forgot a step. Also, is there something you would like me to cook or a recipe to makeover? Let me know!