
Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday Links

I am way too depressed about the Superbowl to cook and post today, so I thought it was high time I posted up some awesome links I've found. Part of the fun of food blogging is making all sorts of wonderful blog friends and seeing the creative and amazing things they do. Here are some of my recent favorites:

And here are some great healthy links:


  1. We had a small pool at our party and I won. I just guessed right! Lucky me!

  2. My four sons were completely divided as to who they were hoping would win yesterday. Half were thrilled and the other half went to bed bummed.

    Kim Bee's fruit dip looked wonderful. I need to go check out those other links.

  3. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you enjoyed the food!

  4. Me too! Although at least Eli Manning had the good sense to look worried right up until the end! If anybody could have pulled it off, it was Tom Brady. :(

  5. Great links! Thanks for sharing. I'm not a huge football fan, but my NY pride means that I was happy with the Super Bowl outcome :-)


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