
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Links and Gourmet

Happy Thanksgiving! I am so excited for the long weekend, the yummy food, and bringing home Archer, the newest edition to our family! Craig is picking him up today, so check back tonight and I'll post some photos of him. He is too cute.

Also: I was lucky enough to be Gourmet's Image of the Day again! Check it out at the GourmetLive blog.
I adore Gourmet, so I'm really honored they chose my photo of delicata squash rings. That is such a yummy recipe, I actually picked up a ton of delicata squash last night to eat on Turkey Day.

One of the surprising benefits of blogging is that I have made a bunch of wonderful blogger friends. Reading other food blogs, commenting and emailing with other bloggers for tips and inspiration is a wonderful gift. I wanted to link to some amazing Thanksgiving recipes I found this week. So check them out and leave them some comment love!
 And here are some other Thanksgiving-inspired links:


    1. I love when bloggers share the love. It's just such a nice thing to do. There's a couple there I don't know so I must check them out today. Ann I love to bits and Kelly is the bomb. I tell you we already had our Thanksgiving dinner as we're Canadian but I am so tempted to make it all over again. Lol!

    2. What a fun round up and congratulations! Your image is stunning and looks delicious, so I'm not surprised that they chose it! Happy Thanksgiving!

    3. Well done with that photo! It's fantabulous :) And that's a great round up. I wouldn't have minded seeing that stuff on my table, that's for sure


    Hello! Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. It means so much to me. Please let me know if you have questions about any of my recipes or if I forgot a step. Also, is there something you would like me to cook or a recipe to makeover? Let me know!